PM systems implementation

We are performing initial analyzes, install servers, train users and assist in the testing and deployment into production together with delivery of project management solution.

Implementation in practice

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The customer can choose whether the interest in solutions to own server or cloud, and then can choose the type of implementation: basic or advanced


Typical implementation

  • Analysis: discussion of the needs and current processes with a proposed solution in our system
  • System installation: preparation of the environment, setting roles, users, workflow
  • Users training: training for administrators, managers, workers
  • Pilot project: support for simulation of running a real project
  • Evaluation: response to findings from the pilot project, suggestions, additional modifications
Peter Drunek

Peter Drunek

Quality Manager / Hern

In our complex company processes and the needs to adapt methodologies and other standards (Kaizen) the increased activity from implementer was really necessary

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