Redmine training

Practical online trainings of tools like Redmine, Easy Redmine. Strict focus on usage on real projects, concrete situations. 1x TRAINING IS FOR FREE.

What you can expect

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Practice, practice and practice again. We will try to effectively demonstrate several model situations and examples that could improve your work on projects


    Sharing information from practice is globally the best value which enable you learn and then avoid/control/measure your effectivity.

    That's why we would like to share what the our team learnt within 15 years practice in project management in various industries using various tools. They passed through all positions like engineering (developer, designer) to quality guy (controlling) and project leading (project manager).

    It means that they are well experience, independent and open mind to share it !


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Redmine/Easy Redmine training (Webinar) is performed by online Skype conference call. If you are interest, please fill below form and we will contact you with availability.


Course description

  • Lenght: 2 hours
  • Content - analysis: Open discussion about your concrete situations/problems
  • Content - practice: Demonstration of Redmine/Easy Redmine usage in specific and your decribed situations
  • Lectors: 2x professional project managers
  • Action price: 40 Euro
  • Price included: Training in the specified content + test software for project management for 14 days
Project manager

Project manager

Big IT company

Peter is well experience lector using redmine in professional caree more than 6 years. His huge practice in IT, Industrial engineering, Automotive and other sectors provide to courses large value.
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